Taking stock of my work, plus a little break.

I penned the rest of chapter twelve tonight, and having done so I skimmed over my work and took stock of what I’ve achieved so far.

Having passed the halfway point, and realising it’s all downhill to the finished first draft, I realised that I’ve come close to finishing something a lot of people start but never finish.  I’m proud of that, even if the book is a total failure.

But I always try to keep myself grounded and humble.  I also realise that I have been blessed to be alive in this day in age, where everyone with a laptop and a dream can achieve virtually anything in the world.  Things like writing a novel, releasing albums and the like are now options for everyone, not just people with record deals or publishing contracts.  The technology and the tools necessary to achieve these things are wonderful, and I thank the universe and God that I am here to experience that, and to pass on the good cheer with the world.

I’m taking a few days away from the story to chill and focus on other things that need attention, and I will be returning to writing probably next week.  I’m thinking five more chapters and I’ll be at the draft stage, so I think a little breather is in order before taking on that last slog.

But in the meantime, I’ll be posting a draft of chapter three on the weekend, so keep an eye out for that.  As always, comments and criticism are appreciated 🙂

See you next week!